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Tips to Find Local Sponsors for your Sporting Event

By: Lori Wagner, Regional Director – Fuel Sports

The bid to host that large sports event that your team has been working on for months has finally been approved. The press release has gone out with the exciting news and everyone is ready to jump in and get started…now it is time to begin planning! It can be overwhelming in the initial stages as you establish your local committees, start organizing the logistics and begin reaching out to potential sponsors.

Sponsorship is a key component to the success of any event and getting your foot in the door of potential sponsors can often be a challenge. Companies are regularly contacted to sponsor sports, charitable and other local events and need to be selective in the ones that they choose to support. The economic climate has had an impact on sponsorship dollars over the past couple of years which has caused some further challenges in uncovering essential sponsorship dollars. As someone who has been on both the corporate side receiving sponsorship requests as well as requesting sponsorship, here are some key points that I’d recommend to consider when reaching out to potential sponsors.

1. Be creative in your approach

Companies consistently receive emailed sponsorship decks requesting financial support for upcoming events. With this approach, the majority of these requests will most likely end up being deleted or passed along to someone who will respond with a “no.” For many sporting events, a personal connection to that particular sport is what may help in starting a conversation. Reach out to the athletes and family members who are involved in the sport and may have connections with local corporations or organizations. Encourage them to get them involved in your local organizing committee. Consider organizations that will benefit from getting involved as a sponsor for your event that may not be your “typical” sponsor like some of the smaller family run businesses located in the destination. The personal connections will allow those conversations to begin and lead to the potential of working with a new sponsor partner.

2. Do Your Research and Know Your Audience

Before meeting with a potential new sponsor, find out as much as you can about the organization. Which other sports events have they sponsored, what is important to them as an organization, how can involvement with your event benefit them? The initial conversation with the potential sponsor should be a fact-finding mission, not a slideshow deck presentation about the benefits that you will provide. It’s important to listen to their goals and determine who they want to reach. Gone are the days of the “cookie cutter” approach, sponsors want to have the flexibility to be creative with their sponsorship activations. Be prepared with the demographics of your event and your audience so that you can provide an in-depth overview of who they will be reaching with their messaging. Once you have a better understanding of the direction that they wish to take, a customized package can be created to specifically address their needs.

 3. Create a Flexible Sponsorship Package

In the past, sponsorship decks were prepared with a variety of structured levels that sponsors could take that offered specific benefits. It’s important to provide tiered levels that are realistic and accessible for all potential sponsors. A headline sponsor at a higher cost may not be the best option for your sports event, however a number of sponsorships at a lower price point can add up quickly and still allow you to achieve your budgeted sponsorship revenue goal. In-kind sponsorship can also be as valuable as the cash sponsors. Many transportation companies will offer discounts or tickets as part of their sponsorship of sports events which helps to save on costly travel expenses for your organization. One of my most memorable activations was with a celebrity skating fundraiser where all attendees paid for a key to open a door that was branded with the company’s logo. The person with the key that opened the door won the two round trip tickets. It was a fun activation for the attendees, raised a lot of money for the organization and made the sponsor very satisfied with the exposure. Flexibility and creativity are extremely important key factors to always keep in mind when working with potential sponsors.  

4. Develop a Relationship with your Sponsors

Once the sponsor has been confirmed, developing a relationship and keeping that sponsor on for future years is easier than trying to get new sponsors on an annual basis. Following up to ensure that you are providing them with the benefits that were outlined in the contract on a regular basis is an important step in keeping the partnership in place. Looking for other opportunities or add-ons to help promote your sponsor to your audience should also be considered. One of my clients is consistently looking at opportunities to enhance their sponsors’ visibility and is a great example of the true meaning of partnership.

We are in a challenging time with the current environment, however as things start to slowly re-open, there will be opportunities to look at new sponsor engagements. Again, creativity and flexibility are going to be more important than ever before as we move forward and the team at FUEL Sports is here to help make connections and assist with innovative and creative ideas.


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What People Are Saying

I have had the pleasure of working alongside Shelley Crawford in a sport tourism capacity for 10 years. Much of my success as a sport tourism leader I can attribute to Shelley's ability to communicate and build relationships in the sports industry that translated into event bidding success for Mississauga. There is no one in the Sports Tourism industry with more experience, integrity and "get the job" attitude. NSO's and PSO's alike can attest to her professionalism and her going "above and beyond" work ethic in order to find the best venue, accommodations and host city to meet the needs of their athletes, officials and financial plans. I hope that our paths continue to cross so that I always have the opportunity to work with and learn from Shelley's vast experience and knowledge of all things sports tourism.

Clara Grassia
Manager of Sport Development and Markham Pan Am Centre

I have had the pleasure to work with Shelley for over a decade on a number of projects. She brings creativity, enthusiasm and a relentless determination to the table in helping solve complex challenges. Over the years, Shelley has been our go-to resource when we needed help to ensure success.

Aaron Soroka 
Chief Operation Officer - GWN Events & Sponsorship Canada

I have worked with Shelley for over 4 years and I have always received a warm greeting and a helping hand. Shelley is eager to assist with any questions or issues, no matter how busy she may be. Her vast knowledge of the sport tourism industry, her reliability, and her friendly personality always make for an enjoyable work experience.

Sandra De Graaff
Director, Domestic Competitions - Volleyball Canada

Shelley has significant experience in both sports and the tourism industry and can blend the two seamlessly into a manageable and exciting project. Her contacts are extensive, and she applies an enthusiasm that is rare when engaging an outside agency. We trust her opinions and guidance. I highly recommend working with Shelley. She is smart, personable and professional, and she has a passion that is infectious.

John Craig
President/CEO -Toronto Athletics Event Management Inc.

I have had the pleasure of working with Shelley on several sporting events over the years.  She is very knowledgeable, dedicated and will work with you to find the best pricing for your needs. When working with Shelley she gets everything done in a timely manner and takes the time to explain everything to you.  Shelley is one of the best in the business - you will not be disappointed!

Shauna Bookal
Executive Director - Field Hockey Ontario

Fuel Sports have delivered! Rowing Canada, the Canadian Indoor Rowing Association and the City of Mississauga, ON were recently awarded the 2023 World Rowing Indoor Championships. Fuel Sports were an integral member of the successful Bid team and continue to play a pivotal role in assisting us plan for this exciting World Rowing event. Totally professional, efficient and a real ‘force multiplier’ - sincere thanks Shelly and thankyou Fuel Sports!

Matt Draper
National Events Manager - Rowing Canada Aviron